
The Single 'Most Useful' Redundant Things We Want:
> Working 486, P90 or better systems, with keyboards and monitors.
  Ideally we like NE2000 compatible network cards, too.
  16MB of RAM is ideal, and a 500mB hard disk is just fine.
  The more standard the machines' architecture, the better.
  But remember, we're after whatever we can get!

Networking Gear:
> BNC T-Connectors -  we can use up to 30 for Access Space.
> BNC Terminators - we need at least 2, but they must be fully functional.
> BNC Network Cable  - As much as possible, up to 30 1m lengths,
  plus four or five 5m lengths to run to our servers.
> Ethernet Hubs - whatever's available as long as it works!

> IDE Hard Drives 360MB or larger - Up to 30 would be useful.
  We need at least 10 very shortly for repairing some
  otherwise functional machines.
> IDE Hard Drives 1GB or larger for the servers.
> ISA SCSI controllers - Internal or External, preferably both. 
  We desperately need at least one.
> One PCI SCSI card would be useful too.

Backing Up:
> One reliable CD writer of any specification
  (who is throwing out these babies?)
  will solve our backup problems for now.

CD ROM Drives:
> Any speed will do us fine: 2x,4x,8x... all are useful to us.
  Ideal spec - IDE internal, with cables & drivers.
  Alternatively a SCSI CD-ROM would be okay if we have suitable controller.

Apple Mac Gear:
> Apple MAC Monitors with connecting cables for MAC LCII machines
> We're desperate for functioning Apple mice and Apple Keyboards
> Apple Mac System Units - we'll give a good home to any 680x0 based
  Macs (or PowerMacs!)- whatever their age and spec.

> Ten SVGA monitors for graphics applications in Access Space
> Fifteen VGA monitors (preferably colour) for E-Mail and other text
  applications in Access Space
> We can use up to 60 VGA monitors for touring art installations
  Colour or b/w - either are fine for our purposes.
  (Seriously - we have the power distribution setup and
  logistics sorted to use this many simultaneously.)

> Serial port to serial port connectors are always useful to us.
> We're desperately short of SCSI cables of all descriptions.
> BNC and twisted pair network cabling will be very useful
  for Access Space.

> 10 or so ISA graphics cards would be very useful,
  especially if they have the driver software with them.
> Printer Server boxes
> Laser Printers - Any type, if they work, we want 'em!

> Sorry, we don't want dead monitors. We have plenty of our own!
> Very dead printers, and ancient, clunky printers
  that need arcane ink cartridges - thanks, but no thanks.

A note about our policy:
(This is the short version - we can give you chapter and verse
in a letter for your auditors, insurers or whoever.)

1. RTI is a not-for profit organisation, and we don't sell computers.
   We won't sell on any of the equipment that you donate to us.
2. We guarantee to wipe your data from magnetic media and install
   our own software.
3. If the kit stops working, that's our problem, not yours.
4. We collect equipment on the understanding that it's scrap. If we
   decide to plug it in, electrical safety is our problem, not yours.

| Can you help? Please get in touch with James at   |
| Redundant Technology Initiative.                  |
|      rti@lowtech.org                              |
|      www.lowtech.org                              |
| Tel: +44 (0)114 2495522                           |
| Fax: +44 (0)114 2589962                           |