Arthur Kroker, Michael a. Weinstein "Data Trash.The theory of the virtual class" St. Martin's Press, 1994 |
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Data Trash
Virtual Reality is the dream of pure telematic experience. Beginning in the cybernetic
shadowland of head-mounted scanners, wired gloves, and data suits, virtual reality has
quickly become the electronic horizon of the twenty-first century. A cold world where
bodies get prepped for downloading into data, where seeing means artificial optics, where
hearing is listening to the high-speed world of sampler culture, where travelling becomes
a nomadic journey across the MUD (Multiple User Dungeons), and where communication
disappears into the high-speed fibre 'backbone' of the Internet. In virtual reality, flesh
vaporizes into virtuality as (twentieth)-century bodies are repackaged with
(twenty-first)-century cybernetic nervous systems for speeding across the electronic
The gigantic nova of technotopia pulses with such brilliant energy because Western society
is in the terminal phase of a slow, but nonetheless fatal, fade-out. A prolonged
evacuation of the energies of the social where the biological organism flips into the
electronic body, and where the cult of the 'wired' is the ruling rhetoric of all the
technological fetishists.
The wired body is perfect. Travelling like an electronic nomad through the circulatory
flows of the mediascape, it possesses only the virtual biological form of a multi-layered
scanner image. Abandoning the heavy referential history of a central nervous system, the
wired body actually grows a telematic nervous system that is freely distributed across the
electronic mirror of the Internet. A product of neural tapping and image-processing, the
wired body is the (technoid) life-form that finally cracks its way out of the dead shell
of human culture.
Technotopia is about disappearances: the vanishing of the body (into a relational data
base), the nervous system into 'distributive processing,' and the skin into wetware. As
technology comes alive as a distinctive species, we finally encounter the end of (human)
history and the beginning of virtual history. A waiting time of growing bodies for endless
circulation through all the synapses and gateways of the data networks. An euphoric space
where subjectivity drains away into televisual memories, and desire is recombined into a
vertiginous matrix of doubled possibilities. Virtual reality skin-grafts the logic of the
ambivalent sign onto the 'standing reserve' of the social. Here the delirium of the
recline of Western civilization is experienced as both the ecstasy of crash culture and
the catastrophe of our burn-out in digital culture.
Scanning the Media-Net
Taking virtual reality as the (ir)real world of the electronic frontier, Data Trash
operates like a deep space galactic explorer. Approaching the media-net with long-distance
(theory) scans, it sweeps the virtual world with a rapid series of media probes, mapping
the political economy of virtual reality and recombinant culture. It then arcs away with
some final sampler images of crash history. Here, technology means the will to virtuality,
and virtuality is about the recline of Western civilization, an historical non-time marked
by recurrent bouts of spasmodic violence and random crashes of all the big referents,
which are all horizoned by the ascendant politics of liberal- and retro-fascism. Unlike
the 1890s with its romantic invocation of catastrophe scenarios, the 1990s emerge as an
era of general cultural recline: a time of cynical romanticism and cold love, where the
body disappears into a virtual imaging-system, and where even catastrophes are reversed by
the media-net into specular publicity for a crash that will never happen. On the one hand,
the body becomes a prosthetic to the media-net; and on the other, the body electronic is
data trash struggling to come alive again in recombinant form: to quick-learn how to
survive the spasms and crashes of (digital) life on the virtual road. Reclining (into
virtuality) and data trash (with a will?) This is the fate of the body electronic in the
interminable countdown to the year 2000.
Focusing on contemporary American politics but developing a more general historical
thesis, Data Trash traces the will to virtuality as it becomes the primal impulse of
pan-capitalism (virtual political economy), the mediascape (virtual culture), and
post-history (virtual history). Using the literary device of media event-scenes, the
theoretical analysis of Data Trash is mutated and accelerated by ongoing transformations
in the cultural politics of the media-net. And why not? Data Trash is itself a wavering
event-scene: a violent interzone between the will to virtuality and battered (human)
The Theory of the Virtual Class
Wired Shut
Wired intends to profit from the Internet. And so do a lot of others. "People are
going to have to realize that the Net is another medium, and it has to be sponsored
commercially and it has to play by the rules of the marketplace," says John Battelle,
Wired's 28-year old managing editor. "You're still going to have sponsorship,
advertising, the rules of the game, because it's just necessary to make commerce
work." "I think that a lot of what some of the original Net god-utopians were
thinking," continued Battelle, "is that there was just going to be this sort of
huge anarchist, utopian, bliss medium, where there are no rules and everything is just
sort of open. That's a great thought, but it's not going to work. And when the Time
Warners get on the Net in a hard fashion it's going to be the people who first create the
commerce and the environment, like Wired, that will be the market leaders."
Andrew Leonard, Hot-Wired
"The Bay Guardian"
The twentieth-century ends with the growth of cyber-authoritarianism, a stridently
pro-technotopia movement, particularly in the mass media, typified by an obsession to the
point of hysteria with emergent technologies, and with a consistent and very deliberate
attempt to shut down, silence, and exclude any perspectives critical of technotopia. Not a
wired culture, but a virtual culture that is wired shut: compulsively fixated on digital
technology as a source of salvation from the reality of a lonely culture and radical
social disconnection from everyday life, and determined to exclude from public debate any
perspective that is not a cheerleader for the coming-to-be of the fully realized
technological society. The virtual class is populated by would be astronauts who never got
the chance to go to the moon, and they do not easily accept criticism of this new Apollo
project for the body telematic.
This is unfortunate since it is less a matter of being pro- or antitechnology, but of
developing a critical perspective on the ethics of virtuality. When technology mutates
into virtuality, the direction of political debate becomes clarified. If we cannot escape
the hard-wiring of (our) bodies into wireless culture, then how can we inscribe primary
ethical concerns onto the will to virtuality? How can we turn the virtual horizon in the
direction of substantive human values: aesthetic creativity, social solidarity, democratic
discourse, and economic justice? To link the relentless drive to cyberspace with ethical
concerns is, of course, to give the lie to technological liberalism. To insist, that is,
that the coming-to-be of the will to virtuality, and with it the emergence of our doubled
fate as either body dumps or hyper-texted bodies, virtualizers or data trash, does not
relax the traditional human injunction to give primacy to the ethical ends of the
technological purposes we choose (or the will to virtuality that chooses us).
Privileging the question of ethics via virtuality lays bare the impulse to nihilism that
is central to the virtual class. For it, the drive to planetary mastery represented by the
will to virtuality relegates the ethical suasion to the electronic trashbin. Claiming with
monumental hubris to be already beyond good and evil, it assumes perfect equivalency
between the will to virtuality and the will to the (virtual) good. If the good is
equivalent to the disintegration of experience into cybernetic interactivity or to the
disappearance of memory and solitary reflection into massive Sunstations of archived
information, then the virtual class is the leading exponent of the era of telematic
ethics. Far from having abandoned ethical concerns, the virtual class has patched a
coherent, dynamic, and comprehensive system of ethics onto the hard-line processors of the
will to virtuality. Against economic justice, the virtual class practices a mixture of
predatory capitalism and gung-ho technocratic rationalizations for laying waste to social
concerns for employment, with insistent demands for 'restructuring economies, public
policies of labor adjustment,' and 'deficit cutting,' all aimed at maximal profitability.
Against democratic discourse, the virtual class institutes anew the authoritarian mind,
projecting its class interests onto cyberspace from which vantage-point it crushes any and
all dissent to the prevailing orthodoxies of technotopia. For the virtual class, politics
is about absolute control over intellectual property by means of war-like strategies of
communication, control, and command. Against social solidarity, the virtual class promotes
a grisly form of raw social materialism, whereby social experience is reduced to its
prosthetic after-effects: the body becomes a passive archive to be processed, entertained,
and stockpiled by the seduction-apertures of the virtual reality complex. And finally,
against aesthetic creativity, the virtual class promotes the value of pattern-maintenance
(of its own choosing), whereby human intelligence is reduced to a circulating medium of
cybernetic exchange floating in the interfaces of the cultural animation machines. Key to
the success of the virtual class is its promotion of a radically diminished vision of
human experience and of a disintegrated conception of the human good: for virtualizers,
the good is ultimately that which disappears human subjectivity, substituting the
war-machine of cyberspace for the data trash of experience. Beyond this, the virtual class
can achieve dominance today because its reduced vision of human experience consists of a
digital superhighway, a fatal scene of circulation and gridlock, which corresponds to how
the late twentieth-century mind likes to see itself. Reverse nihilism: not the nihilistic
will as projected outwards onto an external object, but the nihilistic will turned
inwards, decomposing subjectivity, reducing the self to an object of conscience- and body
vivisectioning. What does it mean when the body is virtualized without a sustaining
ethical vision? Can anyone be strong enough for this? What results is rage against the
body: a hatred of existence that can only be satisfied by an abandonment of flesh and
subjectivity and, with it, a flight into virtuality. Virtuality without ethics is a primal
scene of social suicide: a site of mass cryogenics where bodies are quick-frozen for
future resequencing by the archived data networks. The virtual class can be this dynamic
because it is already the after-shock of the living dead: body vivisectionists and early
(mind) abandoners surfing the Net on a road trip to the virtual Inferno.
"Adapt or You're Toast"
The virtual class has driven to global power along the digital superhighway. Representing
perfectly the expansionary interests of the recombinant commodity-form, the virtual class
has seized the imagination of contemporary culture by conceiving a techno-utopian
high-speed cybernetic grid for travelling across the electronic frontier. In this
mythology of the new technological frontier, contemporary society is either equipped for
fast travel down the main arterial lanes of the information highway, or it simply ceases
to exist as a functioning member of technotopia. As the CEOs and the specialist
consultants of the virtual class triumphantly proclaim: "Adapt or you're toast."
We now live in the age of dead information, dead (electronic) space, and dead (cybernetic)
rhetoric. Dead information? That's our co-optation as servomechanisms of the cybernetic
grid (the digital superhighway) that swallows bodies, and even whole societies, into the
dynamic momentum of its telematic logic. Always working on the basis of the illusion of
enhanced interactivity, the digital superhighway is really about the full immersion of the
flesh into its virtual double. As dead (electronic) space, the digital superhighway is a
big real estate venture in cybernetic form, where competing claims to intellectual
property rights in an array of multi-media technologies of communication are at stake. No
longer capitalism under the doubled sign of consumer and production models, the digital
superhighway represents the disappearance of capitalism into colonized virtual space. And
dead (cybernetic) rhetoric? That's the Internet's subordination to the predatory business
interests of a virtual class, which might pay virtual lip service to the growth of
electronic communities on a global basis, but which is devoted in actuality to shutting
down the anarchy of the Net in favor of virtualized (commercial) exchange. Like a mirror
image, the digital superhighway always means its opposite: not an open telematic autoroute
for fast circulation across the electronic galaxy, but an immensely seductive harvesting
machine for delivering bodies, culture, and labor to virtualization. The information
highway is paved with (our) flesh. So consequently, the theory of the virtual class:
cultural accommodation to technotopia is its goal, political consolidation (around the
aims of the virtual class) its method, multi-media nervous systems its relay, and (our)
disappearance into pure virtualities its ecstatic destiny.
That there is an inherent political contradiction between the attempt by the virtual class
to liquidate the sprawling web of the Internet in favor of the smooth telematic vision of
the digital superhighway is apparent. The information highway is the antithesis of the
Net, in much the same way as the virtual class must destroy the public dimension of the
Internet for its own survival. The informational technology of the Internet as a new force
of virtual production provides the social conditions necessary for instituting
fundamentally new relations of electronic creation. Spontaneously and certainly against
the long-range interests of the virtual class, the Internet has been swamped by demands
for meaning. Newly screen-radiated scholars dream up visions of a Virtual University, the
population of Amsterdam goes on-line as Digital City, environmentalists become web weavers
as they form a global Green cybernetic informational grid, and a new generation of fiction
writers develops forms of telematic writing that mirror the crystalline structures and
multi-phasal connections of hypertext.
But, of course, for the virtual class, content slows the speed of virtualized exchange,
and meaning becomes the antagonistic contradiction of data. Accordingly, demands for
meaning must be immediately denied as just another road-kill along the virtual highway. As
such, the virtual class exercises its intense obsessive-compulsive drive to subordinate
society to the telematic mythology of the digital superhighway. The democratic
possibilities of the Internet, with its immanent appeal to new forms of global
communication, might have been the seduction-strategy appropriate for the construction of
the digital superhighway, but now that the cybernetic grid is firmly in control, the
virtual class must move to liquidate the Internet. It is an old scenario, repeated this
time in virtual form. Marx understood this first: every technology releases opposing
possibilities towards emancipation and domination. Like its early bourgeois predecessors
at the birth of capitalism, the virtual class christens the birth of technotopia by
suppressing the potentially emancipatory relations of production released by the Internet
in favor of the traditionally predatory force of production signified by the digital
superhighway. Data is the anti-virus of meaning - telematic information refuses to be
slowed down by the drag-weight of content. And the virtual class seeks to exterminate the
social possibilities of the Internet. These are the first lessons of the theory of the
virtual class.
Information Highway/Media-Net:
Virtual Pastoral Power
The 'information highway' has become the key route into virtuality. The 'information
highway' is another term for what we call the 'media-net.' It's a question of whether
we're cruising on a highway or being caught up in a Net, always already available for
(further) processing. The 'highway' is definitely an answer to 'Star Wars': the
communications complex takes over from the 'military-industrial complex.' Unlike 'Star
Wars,' however, the 'highway' has already (de)-materialized in the world behind the
monitors: cyber-space. For crash theory there is an irony: the highway is a trompe l'oeil
of possessive individualism covering the individual possessed by the net, sucked into the
imploded, impossible world behind the screen - related to the dubious world of ordinary
perception through cyber-space.
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